Thank you for filling out your registration! We’re looking forward to seeing you soon.

If you have not yet paid your registration fee, you may pay via Venmo, PayPal, money order, or check.  Please contact us at if you need other options.

You can pay via Venmo to @CenterforaNewCulture or via PayPal to Please select “friends and family” when using PayPal.

If you want to pay by check or money order, please make your check out to “CFNC” and mail it to:
CFNC, 930 N Arlington Mill Drive, Arlington, VA 22205

You should have received an email summarizing your registration data.  At the bottom of that email, you will find an order summary. Your total amount due is the “Subtotal” in that order summary.

– If you received any discounts (for example, the “earlybird” discount) you may subtract that amount from the “Subtotal.”

– Do not include in your payment the 3% “tax” amount – that is actually the credit card processing fee, and only applies to payment by credit card.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

– The Center for a New Culture Organizing Team