Presenters for Recognizing Your Inherent Splendor II

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Sarah Taub, Ph.D. (she/her), ( teaches relationship and community skills and helps groups deepen their intimacy. She facilitates group processes including consensus decision-making, business meetings and retreats, conflict resolution sessions, and ZEGG Forum (, and has co-created consent policies and led consent support teams for retreats and festivals of 50 to 1500 people. Sarah has been organizing with Center for a New Culture ( since 2004, putting on multi-day camps and other events that create a culture based on awareness, compassion, and freedom rather than on fear and judgment. 

Sarah has studied classical nondual Śaiva-Śākta Tantra intensively for 5 years with Dr. Christopher Wallis.

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Audrey Ichida is a life coach and facilitator who co-directed 4 Hawaii (neo-)Tantra Festivals and has studied classical Tantra with teachers in the lineages of Abhinavagupta and Naropa. She has also participated in multiple East Coast and Hawaii New Culture camps.  She is a certified Integral Coach® through New Ventures West, an Enneagram Teacher, a scientist, a dancer, an erotic story-teller, and a mother. All of these identities, held lightly, serve her personal vision to support humanity in building a life we love to live. Teaching the Enneagram, coaching, and living Tantra are ways Audrey honors her daily vow to “nurture vitality in myself and others.” As a facilitator she brings her understanding that everyone is teacher and student simultaneously. Knowledge is transmitted through way of being. And Tantra is the fierce spiritual path where illusions are slain and the crisp penetrating light of the soul shines in each moment.

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Harold Kornylak, D.O., practicing since 1983, specializes in Osteopathic manual medicine, Psychotherapy, Intimacy Enhancement, Meditation, and Tantra, and a wide variety of body-oriented psychotherapeutic approaches. Prior to medical school, he achieved degrees in physics, biochemistry, Eastern Philosophy, and research in the neurophysiology of consciousness and meditation. Over the last two decades, he has taught neo-Tantra and sexual healing with some of the premier teachers in the U.S. and abroad, including Margot Anand, Deborah Anapol, and studied extensively with others including Charles and Carolyn Muir, and Jack Painter. His passion is continuing to refine his unique ability to help others to experience fulfillment and ecstatic states in their life and relationships.