Releasing the Three Contractions

See the schedule here!  Read about our presenters here!

Background information

Recognizing Your Inherent Splendor II: Releasing the Three Contractions will blend classical Tantric philosophy and practices with New Culture community-building processes.  All are welcome at this retreat – no previous experience with Tantra or New Culture is necessary.

For more information on New Culture, click here.

For more information on the distinction between traditional forms of Tantra and what is more appropriately called western neo-Tantra, click here.

For more information on classical Tantra, visit our resource list here.

The Three Contractions

In this retreat, we will focus specifically on understanding and dissolving the three key contractions that keep us from remembering who and what we really are.

– The contraction of individuality, or āṇava-mala: “I am a small being in a vast universe.”

– The contraction of differentiation, or māyīya-mala: “If I am this, I must be disconnected from that.”

– The contraction of consequence, or kārma-mala: “What I am depends on what I do.”

These contractions are deep-seated cognitive limitations that we have taken on in order to experience and function in a dualistic world.  When they dissolve, we experience ourselves as universal awareness, free and blissful.

Our daily teachings and practices will follow this arc:

Friday – ARRIVAL
   Orientation: Contacting True Self
   How We Got Here: The Divine Play of Creation & Contraction and Dissolution & Relaxation
   Individuality and Incompleteness / Relaxing into Wholeness   
  Difference and (De)Valuing / Relaxing into Embracing All
  Consequence and Controlling / Relaxing into Non-Doing
Wednesday – COMPLETION
   Integration Practices

We will combine lecture, discussion, guided practices, group explorations, and solo contemplation.

Program Descriptions:

* indicates that the workshop is highly recommended for all and required for new people.

*Welcome Circle: Orientation & Introduction / Contacting True Self – Friday 7:30-9:30pm

We’ll meet each other, start building community, and have a taste of the teachings we’ll be exploring during the retreat.  We’ll also learn essential details about our schedule, spaces, and guidelines.

Embodied Practice – Audrey – Daily 8:45-10:00am

Come to these sessions for a body-based exploration of the theme of the day, through dance, postures, and spontaneous movement.

*Morning Circle – Daily 10-10:45am

The camp community comes together for appreciations, announcements, and other sharings.  Please attend if you can – new information and conversations about emerging issues happen here!

Teachings and Practices – Sarah – Daily 11am-1pm

In these sessions, Sarah, supported by Harold, will explore the theme of the day with teachings and guided practices.  This is the core of our learning together.  Topics are listed on the schedule but are subject to change depending on the flow of the event.

Friday – ARRIVAL: Orientation: Contacting True Self
Saturday – FOUNDATIONS: How We Got Here: The Divine Play of Creation & Contraction and Dissolution & Relaxation
Sunday – INDIVIDUALITY: Individuality and Incompleteness / Relaxing into Wholeness   
Monday – DIFFERENTIATION: Difference and (De)Valuing / Relaxing into Embracing All
Tuesday – CONSEQUENCE: Consequence and Controlling / Relaxing into Non-Doing
Wednesday – COMPLETION: Integration Practices

*ZEGG Forum – Forum Team – Daily 2:30-4pm

The ZEGG Forum process is a transformational container created by free-love radical communitarians and tuned for bringing up what’s under the surface in COMMUNITY. When undertaken with a group of sovereign beings who are dedicated to individual and collective transformation, it provides a cauldron for personal growth and community resilience unlike any other. 

The goal of Forum is to reveal what is alive but not known to all.  The community sits in a circle, forming a stage for one person at a time to stand and show what is true for them.  Facilitators may assist the person (or “presenter”) to reveal themselves more deeply.  Afterward, community members may offer reflections, or “mirrors,” on what they saw.

Especially when interpersonal conflicts and polarizing issues arise, each person shares from the heart and is facilitated to go to the root of their truth, not just their superficial egoic needs. 

When we “get” each other, we go the extra mile to figure things out. Empathy motivates the group to find a collective solution, while understanding gives the raw material needed for the solution. 

Clarity & Resilience: Strengthening Community with Consent Culture –  Saturday 5-6pm

How many of us say “yes” to things we don’t actually want out of guilt or a fear of losing connection?  In many ways, “no” is the most daring and intimate response possible – if I can hear your “no”, I can trust your “yes.”  We’ll practice the skills of self-awareness, transparency, and non-attachment, which help us find the space of mutually desired connection that is available with each person.

Touch Meditation: Introducing Bliss Practice – Saturday 7:30-8:30pm

In this session, we’ll begin to explore practicing with pleasurable states.  There are benefits and pitfalls that will be explained!  The session will include guided touch of self and others.  The touch may be nurturing, playful, exploratory – but not with the intention of raising sexual energy or arousal.  Everyone can participate in a way that works for them.

Conscious Cuddles –  Saturday 8:45-10pm

Join us for a nurturing, non-sexual cuddle gathering focused on connection and consensual, loving touch.  Everyone is at choice about how to participate.  The facilitators will start us off with some simple cuddle-inspiring activities, and then be available for support as needed.

Self-Led Nature Walks – Sunday/Monday/Tuesday 4:30-5:30pm 

Explore the beautiful woods, rocks, and waters of our land, while practicing a meditation based on the theme of the day.  These walks are optional. 

Sunday: “All This is What I Am”

Monday: Exploring Judging and Embracing

Tuesday: Exploring Choosing & Allowing

*Sensual Temple Orientation – Sunday 7:30-8:15pm 

The Sensual Temple is a warm and inviting space to explore the themes of the day by engaging all of the senses. This Temple is a meditative space where solo and partner practices involving sensual and sexual pleasure are welcome. This short session will introduce the space and its etiquette.  

Sensual Temple Opening – Sunday 8:45-10pm

After a short break, those who wish will proceed to the Sensual Temple for its official opening. All are invited to explore the Sensual Temple – the opening activities will be sensual but nonsexual, and the Temple team will create a clear transition when the space becomes open for sexual expression.

Bliss Practice: Longing and Fullness 

After the Temple Opening is complete, Harold and Sarah will lead a meditative self-touch guided practice that explores what it’s like to experience pleasure with longing, and pleasure with fullness.  There may be an opportunity to practice with a partner afterward.

At the same time, Audrey will lead a session on the same themes in the Lodge living room for those who prefer to explore in a nonsexual environment.

Kirtan and Dancing  – Monday 7:30-8:30pm

Let’s join our voices and move our bodies in ecstatic devotion!

Bliss Practice: Between Separation and Union – Monday 9-10pm

In the Sensual Temple, Harold and Sarah will lead a partnered and/or small-group exploration of sensual connection with the attention balanced between separation and union.  We’ll contemplate this sūtra: “The awareness in me is also in you.”

At the same time, Audrey will lead a session on the same themes in the Lodge living room for those who prefer to explore in a nonsexual environment.

Love Ceremony: “We Shine as Collective Reflections of Awareness” – Tuesday 7:30-9:30pm

In this ritual space, we will be guided to dissolve contracted individual consciousness back into universal Awareness, and then re-emanate ourselves in full awareness of our true divinity.  From this place of immanent transcendence, we will ritually honor ourselves and our community-mates through a series of guided interactions.

Closing Circle – Wednesday 12-1pm

Honoring the experience of the past six days, we will connect, reflect, and bid farewell to this incarnation of our community.